Discretionary Management Services

Through the Whitechurch Discretionary Management Service, it is our aim to offer the opportunity for private investors to place their monies in the hands of professional investment managers who will, for a fee, take full responsibility in the construction and active management of an investment portfolio.

Whitechurch Securities Ltd has been in business for 40 years and managing money on a discretionary basis. In order to maximise risk adjusted returns for clients, it is essential to demonstrate a robust and consistent investment process. Ensuring that clients receive a suitable investment proposition from a risk/return perspective is the key driver for our investment process and our focus is on research driven long-term investing.
We provide clearly defined discretionary management services - and Ethical Investment Solutions through each service*.
We are focused on the longevity of both our investments and future of our world alike. Ethical and sustainable decisions are at the heart of our operations and we are passionate about sustainable investments that allow your clients to invest their money in companies that carry out positive actions for the environment and society, avoid contentious areas of investment and provide competitive returns. We are proud signatories of the UN Principles for Responsible InvestmentFinancial Task Force Vulnerability CharterWomen in Finance Charter and members of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association.

Whitechurch Ethical Investment Solutions 

Our ethical portfolios are discretionary managed multi asset portfolios which adhere to a predefined and comprehensive set of ethical requirements. The range is available through the above services (*with the exception of Direct Equity Portfolios) for investments of £3,000 upwards through to a more bespoke service for higher net worth clients. FIND OUT MORE

Whitechurch Portfolio Management Service 

This provides access to discretionary management for clients with modest sums to invest – minimum £3,000 or £250 per month. The service offers a choice of nine risk profiled strategies that cover a wide spectrum of investment objectives. FIND OUT MORE

Whitechurch Prestige Investment Management Service 

This service provides an investor with a portfolio tailored towards their individual risk/return profile – minimum investment £50,000. The underlying portfolios will follow a multi-asset approach and invest in collective investments. FIND OUT MORE

Whitechurch Personally Tailored Service

 This service provides investors with a portfolio that is constructed and managed based on their individual risk/return requirements – minimum investment £50,000. This service is suitable for clients who have specific investment managed requirements such as Capital Gains Tax management, or restrictions on asset classes (such as a country or property restriction); or clients who wish to have UK direct equities in their portfolio. The portfolios are discretionary as we do not offer an advisory or execution only service. FIND OUT MORE

Whitechurch Direct Equity Combined Portfolio Service

This service offers a discretionary managed portfolio focused upon investing directly in UK shares. Whitechurch offer three model portfolios with a minimum of £50,000 and personally tailored options (where UK equities are diversified with other areas to provide a multi-asset portfolio) for investors with over £200,000 to invest.All portfolios can be held as a stand-alone investment and also within an ISA or Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) wrapper to help minimise tax liabilities. FIND OUT MORE