When choosing a Wealth Manager, perhaps the most important consideration is who is looking after your money.
Whitechurch Securities Limited was formed in 1982 and the company has since grown into one of the most highly regarded wealth management boutiques in the country. Whitechurch has a well-respected Investment Management Team and an efficient and helpful Administration Department based at the Bristol head office.
Whitechurch specialises in wealth management, providing investment solutions tailored to your individual requirements. The benefits of having your investments professionally managed on a day to day basis is to enhance returns and provide peace of mind that your portfolio is tailored to your personal objectives and risk profile.
The emphasis of our Wealth Management Services is to provide you with investment portfolios that are driven by high quality investment research, sophisticated risk management and efficient administration.
Our Discretionary Management Services provide the opportunity for personal wealth to be managed, via a financial adviser, by our fully qualified investment team who will take full responsibility for the construction, active management and administration of your investment portfolio.
Whitechurch operates a team-based approach to investment management. This ensures objectivity and consistency across all client portfolios. At the same time having a small, focused team with an emphasis on accountability, allows individuals freedom to make key investment decisions. Each investment strategy has named investment managers, with back up managers, who will be familiar with the strategy.
We are seeing increasing interest in Ethical and Sustainable & Responsible Investment (SRI) from clients and many advisers as well as growing media interest in such issues which both reflect and stimulate public interest. We can offer a range of ethical solutions; from model portfolios with predefined requirements (to fit the needs of most investors); up to bespoke solutions for private individuals, charities and trusts.
Despite lingering concerns about the health of the global economy and macroeconomists fretting about the future path of interest rates, equity investors have enjoyed a relatively smooth ride year-to-date, with most major regions posting solid gains. Reflecting the rather benign backdrop was the VIX, a key measure of market volatility, which closed July significantly below its longer-term average. ...
Despite lingering concerns about the health of the global economy and macroeconomists fretting about the future path of interest rates, equity investors have enjoyed a relatively smooth ride year-to-date, with most major regions posting solid gains. Reflecting the rather benign backdrop was the VIX, a key measure of market volatility, which closed July significantly below its longer-term average. ...
The Presidential elections have always carried global significance. The US is still the world’s largest economy – policy decisions resonate the world over. But with the two parties promising starkly different visions, the outcome of this US election is likely to be one of the most consequential in recent years. With ESG itself a polarising subject in the US, our Investment Analyst Daniel Say delves in to what’s at stake:...
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